How the Procedure Works

In-Office Procedure

Instill an anesthetic drop to both eyes.

Clean the eyelids using OCuSOFT ® Lid Scrub ® PLUS Swabstix

Adjust the OCuSOFT ® Thermal 1-Touch ® to fit the patient.

Apply heat for 10-30 minutes based on severity of conditions.

Express the glands using the Mastrota Meibomian Paddle.

Clean the eyelids using OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub® PLUS Swabstix™ to remove all oils.

Clean the device with alcohol pads between patients.


WARNING: Use carefully. May cause serious burns. Do Not use over sensitive skin areas or in the presence of poor circulation. The unattended use of the OCuSOFT ®®  Thermal 1-Touch™ by children or incapacitated persons may be dangerous. To reduce the risk of burns, electrical shock, fire, and accident, this product must be used in accordance with the following instructions:

  • Read all instructions carefully.
  • WARNING: Device may cause skin irritation or burning sensation. Do not use on sensitive skin areas or in the presence of poor circulation.
  • DO NOT use device on infants.
  • This device is not to be used on or by an invalid, a paralyzed person, a sleeping or unconscious person, a person with diabetes, or a person with poor blood circulation.
  • Burns may occur. Check skin under device frequently to avoid burning and blistering.
  • Place device on top of closed eyelids, never on open eyes.
  • DO NOT use pins or other metallic means to fasten device in place.
  • DO NOT bend, crush, lie, or sit on device to avoid damage to device.
  • Never pull this device by the supply cord and do not use the cord as a handle.
  • Carefully examine before each use. Discard the device if it shows any sign of deterioration (such as blistering or cracking).
  • Only Use the power supply provided by OCuSOFT®.
  • Unplug device when not in use.
  • DO NOT tamper or modify the materials/configuration. There are no user serviceable parts. If for any reason this device does not function satisfactorily, contact for return to OCuSOFT®.
  • DO NOT use this device while wearing contact lenses or with other eye care products.
  • DO NOT use this device with any liquids, ointments or other materials not specified in usage instructions.
  • DO NOT use this device while taking sensory dulling medication.
  • DO NOT wrap cord tightly around device to avoid damage to components. Loop cord lightly and always store in case provided.